No Zero Days
No Zero Days is a famous comment on a reddit thread. It’s worth reading, so check it out. One of the points it makes is that you should do something, no matter how small, towards your goals every day.
Sometimes it feels like there is no time, or at least not enough time to do everything you want to do. Even though some days it’s not much, I’ve been pretty good about having no zero days with my hacking practice.
Ideally I’d write something here a little more frequently but it’s less of a priority than some other things, and I don’t always have anything much to say - like right now for instance. So there are definitely zero days with the blog. But right now - and I mean right now as I sit here writing this, I do have a few minutes to kill and nothing else on. Hence this random walk.
Done Today > Perfect Someday
That was a tweet I saw a few weeks ago. I liked it. Get shit done. This post is not perfect, but it was a better use of my time than 10 minutes of doom-scrolling on Twitter. No Zero Days.