In for a penny...
Computer says no When you try to visit PentestMonkey, Google says this, in white writing on a scary red background: The site ahead contains harmful programs Attackers on might attempt to trick you into installing programs that harm your browsing experience (for example, by changing your homepage or showing...
Windows Defender Goes Nuts
Calm Down Windows I had just written my post about roses (go check it out, I’ll wait here) and when I ran: sudo bundle exec jekyll serve to make sure the post looked okay, I got some Jekyll errors I hadn’t seen before, about some older posts: jekyll 3.8.7 |...
Github Pages
Moving the hosting So this site is made in Jekyll, posts written either in the terminal or in Joplin. Then I was copying the content to my Fastmail ‘files’ which can be used to serve a static website. I was doing the transfers from my PC to Fastmail with lftp....
Platform, making this easier
Making this easier Blogging, how is this supposed to work? I’m not making a Medium account or setting up a Wordpress site. This is made with Jekyll and that’s fine but I want it to be as seamless as possible. Constraints I want the ability to write things on my...